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Jul 8, 2016 7:22 AM

Nov 2011
That graceful and sweet. OP song is charming and comfy with a smooth tone while we get introduction of the main girls. I got some the atmospheric feel similar to Aria from the episode. Even some of the character expressions is similar.

Hikari is the funniest to watch. Futaba's appearance is really beautiful imo. Got pretty much everything I had expected from the episode and quite pleased.

There's no fan service at all despite most of the setting taking place around the beach. ED theme song is also smooth and comfy imo.
Jul 8, 2016 7:25 AM

Nov 2013
From the author of ARIA
and vice-director who was also a director of ARIA

gives you the greatest butt of the season.

It's so beautiful. Either music, naration, or animation.
GethemalotJul 8, 2016 7:34 AM
Jul 8, 2016 7:32 AM

Nov 2010
Oh, the heaven is here. :)
Glorious ... and beautiful

Wow, loved every second of it. i was ready just to dive in and enjoy the show and that's what i did. from the first seconds to the last, i was in love with the show and this is what i expected from the master director and the great mangaka which i love them both and their works are always in my favorite list of all times.

I don't know why would anyone complain about the Chibi faces but i loved them and i think that's one of the high and very fun and cute moments of the show. Pikari just look adorable with the chibi face and get used to it, it's gonna get more and more funny.

The scene from under the water was a blast too, i'm so eager to watch a whole minutes of being under the see and scuba diving. this is gonna be amazing.

IMO, the rating should be highter, i don't get it. but i will say, in this case i don't really care about the rating, this show could easily enter my top 5 anime of all time. so you know that i'm ready to be with this anime. :)
hgeronimoJul 8, 2016 8:39 PM
Jul 8, 2016 8:20 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
The OP is already heaven. OMG my hype level is high.
Jul 8, 2016 8:28 AM

Nov 2008
It's so serene from start to finish that I lost track of time, Hikari has some priceless expressions not mention she's very silly overall, Futaba too and my goodness she's really shy.

Jul 8, 2016 8:53 AM

Apr 2010
I feel at peace, shamefully i had to do some things halfway during the episode so completing the episode was delayed and my peace was gone.
In any case the manga was nice and from the looks of the anime is going to be nice as well.
Jul 8, 2016 9:13 AM

Apr 2014
Flying Witch was appetizer but this is the main course and the dessert

This probably is going to take the SOL of the year for me
Jul 8, 2016 9:13 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
The school stuff kind of hinders the peace i feel. But the ocean scenes and in general the atmosphere created is awesome.

Animation and art and very nice.

The faces are so Aria-like xD
Jul 8, 2016 9:17 AM

Aug 2011

I had high expectations for this and for Pikari's dorky faces and I was not disappointed.

Signore said:
I haven't read the manga yet, I just hope this cat won't turn to another "Aria"...

He shouldn't. Despite this series carrying a similar feeling at times (inherent to this mangaka), it actually differs from Aria quite a bit.
standJul 8, 2016 11:51 AM
Jul 8, 2016 9:18 AM
May 2014
beautiful OP song
Jul 8, 2016 9:21 AM

Jan 2015
Aahh, the beauty of ocean and the girls too of course. And "Pikari" are totally the energetic-type girl, the opposite for Teko. An probably Yuri anime with just simple genre it, this is gonna be good.
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Jul 8, 2016 9:24 AM
Jul 2015
Good thing to see it's as tryhard and overly sentimental as Aria.

I'm not really sure it will keep me interested for more than 3 episodes, we never know though.
Jul 8, 2016 9:30 AM
Jul 2015
It was nice, though I do have one issue. I wish green-hair girl's face would've been drawn in a 'moe' style less often. She's really pretty so it's disappointing that's how her face was drawn most of the time. A lot of the interactions felt really forced too.
MarnieJul 8, 2016 5:20 PM
Jul 8, 2016 9:32 AM
Jul 2018
Only at first ep yet my soul feel so clean. Amano's manga was nice but Satou's adaptation is so magical.
Jul 8, 2016 9:33 AM

May 2010
Teko? Some changes here and there but works flawlessly.
Jojo must be jelous of grandma smoke without being censored XD
That photos in her phone... :3
I'm going to rewatch this at least 10 times tomorrow ・ω・
Jul 8, 2016 9:59 AM

Dec 2011
PERFECT! I've changed my mind THIS is my AOTS!
Jul 8, 2016 10:06 AM

Mar 2014
Agh, maybe it's because I'm coming off the amazing Flying Witch but this wasn't that great, tad disappointed.
Jul 8, 2016 10:14 AM

May 2012
Aw man, I wanted to watch this earlier but I overslept a little.

A pretty nice start. I agree that the OP was sweet and comfy as well, but the ed made me feel a bit nostalgic

If all goes well, SoL AOTY for sure

Man, I always wished I had a teacher like Mato

Can't wait til the twins are introduced
OlemJul 8, 2016 10:21 AM

Jul 8, 2016 10:15 AM

Sep 2015
wow Pikari's grandma looked almost exactly like Fumiko (the drom caretaker) from Shokugeki no Souma.

> I went in with little expectations, though I sorta knew I was going to enjoy this just based on the premise but I was left uttelry expressioneless. The scenery, the atmosphere, the way the characters looked.. Everything was perfect :')

Good to see we have 2 very good SoL this season as well, last season we had Tanaka and Flying Witch
Jul 8, 2016 10:24 AM

Nov 2011
I'm already in love, uuuummmph
Healing factor is high in this, and the ost is so calming, it gives me a nostalgic feeling for something I never had.
Looking forward for more scuba diving since it's something new for me.
Baby, daijobanai...
Jul 8, 2016 10:26 AM

Jan 2008
I don't expect an "Aria: the second coming" from this show, but solid first ep was solid.

M-Maybe, we'll get a YokoKaiKikou adaptation in the near future after this. R-Right?
Use your brain before using your keyboard!
Jul 8, 2016 10:27 AM

Apr 2014
Amanchu sounds like a Japanese version of sneezing

Jul 8, 2016 10:31 AM

Nov 2014
Its... ok. that typical anime reaction face style was definitely overused, not a fan of that gotta say. Hope it sticks to ocean and diving (please no high school drama), that is where the potential is.
Jul 8, 2016 10:33 AM

Apr 2007
Gnowmickly said:
Teko? Some changes here and there but works flawlessly.

Changes from what? Her nickname was always Teko. If you mean the english translated manga, that was the translators from ACS's choice to use Dotty instead. I recall there being their reasons in one of the editor notes at the end of a chapter, but I dont remember specifically what they said.

Been waiting for an anime of this ever since ARIA stopped and the Amanchu manga started publishing.
I was not dissapointed~
Jul 8, 2016 10:35 AM

Feb 2015
Beautiful, I feel alive now.

Pikari is pure win and full of energy, I could watch her all day.
Teko is a sweet and shy girl, can't wait so see her experience throughout this "new world" of hers.

Very charming first episode, the Aria feeling was of course strong in this one.
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Jul 8, 2016 10:44 AM
Jul 2018
The first episode was quite good and relaxing.

Hikari is so cheerful!
Jul 8, 2016 10:47 AM

Dec 2014
That was great, Just all round soothing and serene, Great atmosphere build up. I'm sure I'm gonna love this.

Those faces are just adorable at times XD
Loving both Pikari and Teku, Some nicknames we got there xD

Also to the sensei, No one said it definitely in your class but I'll say it, That was so damn cool XD
"Fun is infinite", This show is gonna be both fun and relaxing :D
Can't wait to see more diving.
Jul 8, 2016 10:47 AM
Mar 2016
I am currently watching the second season of Aria. So far Aria is my favourite anime along with a couple more. I just adore the setting, how relaxing it is, the characters, the plot, the narrating, the genious life lesson essence in every episode, uuugh it's pure gold to me. When Amanchu was announced I was a bit worried that it would end up being a copy of Aria. It obviously has Aria vibes in it (it's written by the same person afterall) but it's different enough to make me like it and even love it in the near future. I don't know if the plot is gonna be as upcatching and extraodinary as Aria's, but while watching it I felt like I was enjoying the morning summer wind (lol dafuq) and that's exactly what I wanted it to feel like due to the scuba-diving part of the story, of which I can't wait to see more! I really wonder if it's gonna be shoujo ai or not. If yes, I think it will be a total stand-out since it's gonna be potrayed beautifully. I love this mangaka honestly.

4/5 <3
Jul 8, 2016 10:50 AM
Nov 2013
Buo said:
Good thing to see it's as tryhard and overly sentimental as Aria

And how does that make both of them "tryhard"?
Jul 8, 2016 10:51 AM

Jun 2014
Buo said:
Good thing to see it's as tryhard and overly sentimental as Aria.

I'm not really sure it will keep me interested for more than 3 episodes, we never know though.

At least so far the main characters aren't as annoying as those cheesy ones from ARIA lol

I haven't read the manga yet, I just hope this cat won't turn to another "Aria"...
Jul 8, 2016 10:52 AM

Jan 2012
Ah, the first day at a new school in a new town. Well we're off to a nice, relaxing start! Already love free-spirited Hikari, and shy Futaba. Really like their uniform design and colors too. This should be a great series! :)
Jul 8, 2016 11:09 AM

Dec 2014
op song was sweet and all and the whole episode seemed good too.
Jul 8, 2016 11:13 AM
Mar 2016
Oh my god, this was so relaxing! <3

The opening song was too sweet and the overall tone was great.
Jul 8, 2016 11:18 AM

Aug 2015
>Cats especially that one that looks like Aria
>Hazukashi lines from grandma
>That Pikari hairstyle + her optimistic attitude that reminds me of Akari
>That soothing OST, OP & ED
>Those wacky reaction faces from Pikari and Teko
>Those marvelous bodies of water
>The relaxing vibe
Just as what I expected from JunichixAmano greatness added the luscious art and animation this is one of the best eps I may have seen so far this season. Feels like Aria 2.0 all over again
MizunashiJul 8, 2016 7:03 PM
Jul 8, 2016 11:23 AM

Apr 2014
Yeah, the first episode instantly dispelled any fear I had about this not going to be as good as Aria. It's so incredibly relaxing, the perfect anime for a Friday evening. :)

Glad the super deformed faces from Aria made a comeback. It has always been one of the most memorable feature in the author's work.
Jul 8, 2016 11:23 AM

Jun 2014
not sure how to feel about this yet, decent comedy and shoujo ai possibilities, autistic diver girl's face is really obnoxious, didn't do much for me

maybe it will get more interesting down the line
Jul 8, 2016 11:31 AM

Sep 2011
Way. To. Perky.
Way. To. Perky.
Way. To. Perky.
Way. To. Perky.
(must resist urge to strangle...)

whatever, it was entertaining ;) looking forward to next week.
Jul 8, 2016 11:34 AM

Jul 2015
Way too many of those silly faces though
Jul 8, 2016 11:49 AM

Jul 2015
I love slice of life so I've been hyped for this one. First episode was really relaxing. Green haired chick has to calm down a tiny bit though. I like that uniform. Shows off their body lines nicely lol
Jul 8, 2016 11:57 AM
Jan 2014
Doesn't seem like my kind of anime. I was getting a bit bored most of the time.
Will probably give it one more try next week to decide.
Jul 8, 2016 11:59 AM

Jan 2013
Impressive artstyle and animation. Though it does overuse the chibi faces.
Amazing OP song, really like the OST.
Jul 8, 2016 12:02 PM

Jan 2016
The faces were kinda weird at first but i still really enjoyed the first episode
Jul 8, 2016 12:03 PM

Apr 2013
So much Aria vibes as expected~ Love the hilarious faces and comedic moments! Love the heartwarming moments and tranquil ambiance too. Characters seem pretty likable too so far~ Love that amazing op song. The visuals are real good too.
Jul 8, 2016 12:18 PM

Dec 2008
Fair warning to those who don't like the silly faces, they are not going to go away.

Overall this was exactly what I hoped it to be. Probably the only other new thing I'm more excited about this season is Koe no Katachi.
Jul 8, 2016 12:23 PM

Aug 2013
This is exactly the quality which I'm expecting by JC staff. Beautiful, just beautiful.
The only thing which I didn't like are that chibi faces, it is passing me off almost in every series where it occurs.
Jul 8, 2016 12:40 PM

Nov 2011
Aria all over again yay!!!
Hate Keeps me warm
Jul 8, 2016 12:50 PM

Jun 2013
rsc-pl said:
This is exactly the quality which I'm expecting by JC staff. Beautiful, just beautiful.
The only thing which I didn't like are that chibi faces, it is passing me off almost in every series where it occurs.

Yeah, you're going to have to get used to that, it's in this series a lot.
Jul 8, 2016 12:57 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
"Overly peppy nature," you've got that right. Hikari is a little too energetic for me, but maybe I can get used to it. I'd say it's pretty relaxing overall, soft colors and pretty scenery, but not relaxing when Pikari is so talkative. I really liked the OP though, sooo calm and nice to listen to, as expected of Sakamoto's soothing voice. It's definitely a breather from all the other upbeat OPs (not that I dislike those). A small nitpick, but I find the girl's uniform to be a bit ridiculous, and although it's pretty much the same style as the undine uniforms from Aria, it's just an odd design for school uniforms imo.
Jul 8, 2016 1:19 PM

Nov 2014
Pretty disappointing tbh, I guess it's my fault for judging by the cover but I sure as hell wasn't expecting some gimmicky chibi diking around.
Still entertaining but so far doesn't compare to some other SoL this season.
Jul 8, 2016 1:20 PM
Oct 2010
Cratex said:
Way. To. Perky.
Way. To. Perky.
Way. To. Perky.
Way. To. Perky.
(must resist urge to strangle...)

whatever, it was entertaining ;) looking forward to next week.
LOL, I get ya. That manic pixie is way too manic.

When the teacher whacked her I thought it was long overdue, too bad it was not enough to fix her.

Still, I too will keep watching. Hopefully the new friendship (?) will help calm her down instead of just providing contrast.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
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